The sun has returned to our little corner of paradise, just in time to start melting the chocolate eggs. And of course the snow.
The women are dog walking, the men are corking the floor while the kids are hunting for Easter eggs surupticiously hidden about the house.
After much cutting, gluing and weighting, we've completed the floor and while it was frustrating it was also most rewarding and will actually look pretty good without the family library spread about upon it.
A&L had to go to a quiz practice, so the rest of us decided on a trip out to Crathes Castle, Estate and Gardens where there was yet another Easter egg hunt taking place. We didn't partake of this one (there is only so much chocolate small boys should eat) but we did enjoy a wander around the stunning walled garden (complete with skunk cabbage in full bloom) and studied the waterboatmen and great diving beetles in the ornamental pond. Busy as it was (due to it being both a beautiful day and the bunny hunt), it was still a most relaxing meander alongside the river Dee.
'Him's coming bad for lambing'
On the subject of which...lush lamb for dinner, a wee dram, a g&t and more vino. Excellent. ....
There was also a demonstration of and participation in, the air pistol skills. Both W&A are clearly well practiced with them both turning in particularly good scores. In fact beaten only by L who is clearly a crack shot and has been hiding her light under a bushel.
Post dinner and settled by the roaring fire with refreshed glasses and chocolates - Four weddings and a funeral.. All the feck, feck, feck at the start.... Hugh and that girl... Me: You don't see her in much now do you? D: She's dead! Ooops! Gobsmaked to hear that, and the fact that Connie Beecham from Holby City was one of Hugh's ex's too.
Today means all day in the car. No fun at all. Have had such a wonderful relaxing time. What is w.. Wor...?? No - can't even remember the word. Something to do with employment?? Such as shame that all good things must come to and end and that such great relatives (rare to be able to say that because as we all know, you can't choose them) are so far away. Will be leaving with a heavy heart and planning to meet up again sooner rather than later.
Farewell bonnie Scotland.
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The women are dog walking, the men are corking the floor while the kids are hunting for Easter eggs surupticiously hidden about the house.
After much cutting, gluing and weighting, we've completed the floor and while it was frustrating it was also most rewarding and will actually look pretty good without the family library spread about upon it.
A&L had to go to a quiz practice, so the rest of us decided on a trip out to Crathes Castle, Estate and Gardens where there was yet another Easter egg hunt taking place. We didn't partake of this one (there is only so much chocolate small boys should eat) but we did enjoy a wander around the stunning walled garden (complete with skunk cabbage in full bloom) and studied the waterboatmen and great diving beetles in the ornamental pond. Busy as it was (due to it being both a beautiful day and the bunny hunt), it was still a most relaxing meander alongside the river Dee.
'Him's coming bad for lambing'
On the subject of which...lush lamb for dinner, a wee dram, a g&t and more vino. Excellent. ....
There was also a demonstration of and participation in, the air pistol skills. Both W&A are clearly well practiced with them both turning in particularly good scores. In fact beaten only by L who is clearly a crack shot and has been hiding her light under a bushel.
Post dinner and settled by the roaring fire with refreshed glasses and chocolates - Four weddings and a funeral.. All the feck, feck, feck at the start.... Hugh and that girl... Me: You don't see her in much now do you? D: She's dead! Ooops! Gobsmaked to hear that, and the fact that Connie Beecham from Holby City was one of Hugh's ex's too.
Today means all day in the car. No fun at all. Have had such a wonderful relaxing time. What is w.. Wor...?? No - can't even remember the word. Something to do with employment?? Such as shame that all good things must come to and end and that such great relatives (rare to be able to say that because as we all know, you can't choose them) are so far away. Will be leaving with a heavy heart and planning to meet up again sooner rather than later.
Farewell bonnie Scotland.
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