A lot of good work for charadee....

The weekend is almost upon us and it's a jam packed one this week. In fact it's sooo busy that I've had to take an extra day off on Friday just to try and cram it all in.  The rabbits will go unfed as I won't be in the warren, so if you're passing please drop off a carrot, or some cabbage. (More on that in a bit). There's also been another tranche of geekery announced, some of which I have an opinion on, so I'll get to that but in the next post...   over lunch....

First of all, let's see what's in store...  Friday and there's a game of golf in the shape of the "Smithy Open". Unfortunately it clashes with a charity game of golf that Mr Ball Senior is involved with in Wiltshire. I normally attend with him so we have some giggles, a pint, play some poor golf and help raise some cash for Lukemia. Even I can't be everywhere at once, so this year the Smithy open wins it. I'll still make a donation though. 

On the subject of donations, a good friend of mine is doing his bit for charity next week by sleeping out on the cold streets of London as part of Byte Night 2010 (http://www.bytenight.org.uk/). Each year hundreds of individuals and teams from across the IT and business community spend a night exposed to the worst of the British weather to raise both sponsorship and awareness of "Action for Children" and their work, so please feel free to show your support here: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/compoundmedia if you feel like it.

Mrs G and I are paying host to the Scottish contingent this weekend, which will be a delight. They're stopping in for a day or two on their way south, so there's bound to be plenty of entertainment surrounding their visit. If they arrive in time, they might even get to Swarm....

Saturday means I'll have a quick trip into Chelter's to join up with the SuperSwarmUK effort and win a rare Foursquare badge, as well as sample some bargain priced food and beverages at the Bank House. 1PM to 4PM if you're in that neck of the woods ....

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(Clarence Street, in what used to be called Que Pasa) 

.... and would like to be involved in something rare and unusual ....

You just need a method for checking into foursquare.  Read all about it here or here.

Sunday is that magical date, The 10th of the 10th, 2010... and as a result there is a very clever little project running, called "One Day On Earth". They want some help documenting the world's story for just one day and they state their objective as:

To create an open shareable archive and documentary film of the world on 10/10/10. We hope to enlighten, teach and benefit humanity through global collaboration and inspired media creation. We seek to find a deeper understanding of life on this planet.

Interesting idea. It's also a stepping stone to supporting a cause. You'll see stuff about it at this hash tag on twitter: #101010 or buy visiting their website: http://www.onedayonearth.org/. Definetly worth a look.

Monday will be, straight back at it. Nose to the grind stone, etc etc.... but with a slightly refreshed outlook. I'm officially starting a new job, although sadly not for 3 months due to contractual issues that I'm not over the moon about, but I have to live with. Fun times when all is said and done. I just hope I can remain motivated until Christmas.  Should be fine as long as I avoid the X-Factor.


This post originally appeared here: Posterous
