Q4 Targets

The power came back about an hour or so later. Not sure if it was the fault of the buffoonery of builders or not, but they did look pretty guilty.... and that was Tuesday. Which means two things:

1. Today is Wednesday so for most of you, you're just about half way through the week (well you will be by lunchtime). And....

2. I'm very very nearly on holiday.

This time of year, it's all about hitting your 4th Quarter targets. Well, it is if you work in sales (I should point out that I don't - but I do)...  I suppose nowadays, everybody does to some extent. We're all selling something. Anyway, my point is, there is always a list of things by the time the end of the year rolls around that simply have to be done.  So I'm told. But hang on....  There are things that have to be done - but they aren't necessarily anything to do with 4th quarter earnings, sales or profits or in fact any of that stuff that's held in such importance.

This is why, one of my Q4 Targets is to have a holiday. I suppose you might say I missed it in Q2/Q3 and it's overrun into Q4... but actually it's just worked out this way. Mrs G and I did have some time off in the summer but we haven't been away and I don't feel like I've had anything you could call a holiday at all as yet. It's been a tough old year all things considered. Between Mrs G changing jobs, daughters operation, my feelings on employment and various other trials and tribulations a holiday in the sun is exactly what's required.

November is especially late to be doing this, but I should draw your attention to the fact that it's actually Movember. If you don't know what that means, at the very least you should go here: http://uk.movember.com and make a donation of, lets say £5... just because you were uneducated. It's something that's become all the more important in our household because Mrs G's step father has been diagnosed with the very early stages of prostate cancer.  They're still monitoring and he's decided not to have any treatment unless the position changes dramatically. Right now, that seems like it's the best thing to do.

Cancer. That's a serious thing. It's a big grown up scary word. Puts me in mind of the 'nuclear age' when governments advised their people to hide under the table should a nuclear war start.  I'm not belittling it for one second, but because it's such a big word, it has power. And it's a power that exists because it doesn't get talked about. So we should talk about it, and we should make light if it. Laughter is truly the best medicine no matter what the disease. I'm also in no doubt that W would tell you the same. You're here once - make the most of it. Next year I'm growing the full Nigel Mansell - or perhaps the Hitler - just for a giggle.

And so it's to this end that Mrs G, J, W & I are jetting off for a week of good times and laughs in the sunshine of the Canary Islands. To be honest, we didn't plan to do this because of W's diagnosis, but with that here, it seems all the more like the correct target to have for Quarter Four....  or indeed for any time...   These are the things that are genuinly important after all.  It's the little moments. It's the time we spend.

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If things get quiet around here - well, I can only appologise on the basis that it turns out I have a life to lead as well as write about.

Take Care.

This post originally appeared here: Posterous
