See what I did there? ;-) sorry....
Monday came and went with a journey across the the countryshire along the A46 and through the frosty snow.
The roads were pretty much clear apart from the very last stretch just around the M42 junction at Warwick. There's a relatively new piece of bypass and it was a slushy mess.
I had my annual review and all was well with the world - not as good as it could be, but good enough for now. To be fair, I know the system is just arbitrary division of numbers and if you do something exemplary you weigh the division in your favor slightly, but mostly it's the luck of the draw, because no-one is here not to be good at what they do. It's a bit dumb really.
Now it's Tuesday and yet again I'm on the train toe the city. It was snowing quite heavily when I left this morning, but whether it will continue to do so, judging by the forecast, is unlikely. Certainly down Reading way, there's plenty of the white stuff of the ground - and none of it in the air as yet. I suspect the same will true of the city itself.
Thankfully, this trip is just the two days - a quick overnighter and back out west on Wednesday night. I have no doubt it will be full of spreadsheets, of long conversations about the possibility of doing x or y verses the cost of doing z or w and conference calls marshalling people to think of ways to deal with a through to v when were least expecting them to even be on the table, let alone in the alphabet. Might sound cryptic, but that's basically what it's like....
Of course we will relieve this agony by at least finding some half decent food somewhere this evening I'm sure. It's all very much of a muchness and exactly like it was the last time, and not at all any different, but exceptionally repetitive - I think you get my point. Bah...
Its not that im not enjoying it, its just I'm longing for something to get my teeth into rather than flogging a dead horse - which is just how it feels and probably not at all how it is.
Here's hoping your week has some variety about it.
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