First things first – today’s date. Turns out it’s a palindrome!!
02-02-2020 backwards is 0202-20-20. Quite rare this, although we will get one next year and the year after, but then that’s it for a very long time. I digress…
More training for the big walk. It’s still a way off, but it’ll be here in no time.

We were very luck to have such a beautiful day for it. A bit blustery in places and there was even a rain shower, but they were moments in what was an otherwise glorious show of real British weather (I suppose that was enviable now we’re out of the EU)

It was a 10.6 miler, starting and ending at Seven Springs – just East of Gloucester/Cheltenham. Only the three of us this time, Me Leafy and Claude. Days like this are good though. I’m getting to see parts of our local countryside that I otherwise wouldn’t have seen. All quite an adventure on a small scale.
We nearly got shot too. Well, I exaggerate slightly, but we did interrupt a shooting party on the last day of the season. They were waiting for the birds to be driven out by the beaters, on a track that is a public footpath (an part of our route). They had to wait for us to pass, which I’m sure frustrated them although they were all very pleasant pheasant plucker’s about it.

Shame Mrs G has to work, I’m sure she’d love it too.Food at the Seven Springs is nothing to write home about, although here I am writing about it, but it’s perfectly edible. Having got started at 9am, we were all done by 1pm so a goodly chunk of the afternoon was still available.
I pottered about the house and got my act together ready for our evening’s entertainment, which was a trip to Over for our Nieces 21st birthday. All very lovely. She enjoyed her presents and point blank refused to tell anyone when her upcoming driving test is to be (doesn’t want to jinx it)
Her mum whispered it’s Monday though
Expecting a relatively quiet day today – with nothing planned.
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